Calacatta Marble Laminate in the -11 Satin Finish with an E-2000 edge profile. Custom backsplash made with the same material. Cosmos Granite Laminate in the -55 Glaze Finish with the E-2000 edge profile. Cambria's Torquay Quartz with the Pencil Round Edge. Autumn Carnival Laminate in the -35 Mirage Finish with the E-2000 edge profile. Perla Piazza Laminate in the -55 Glaze Finish with the Waterfall edge profile. Oxidized Beamwood Laminate in the -58 Matte Finish with a Duratop edge profile. Maple Butcher Block with the Oil Finish (Island). Bella Calacatta Quartz with the Ogee edge profile. Cambria's Brittanicca quartz countertops and full height backsplash.